
14 Jul

Hearing a Holy Ghost

Join the congregation for worship as Rev. Barnes teaches on the story of John the Baptist, the drama of his execution at the hands of King Herod and his wife […]

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07 Jul

Very Truly I Tell You

Join the congregation for worship as Elder Ken Mann preaches on a phrase Jesus often used with his believers to emphasize the truth of his message, turning from the teaching […]

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30 Jun

A Brutal Role to Play

Join the Milton Presbyterian Church for worship as Rev. Barnes confronts the story of Judas, the mystery of his role, and how we deal with the fact that in our […]

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23 Jun

A Three Alarm Denial

Join the Milton Presbyterian Church for worship as Rev. Barnes continues a sermon series exploring ‘Who Killed Jesus?’ The focus of the message is on Peter, and how he denied […]

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16 Jun

What It Would Mean to Work With Our Father

Join us for worship as Rev. Barnes begins a sermon series on Who Killed Jesus? During worship, we will explore the role that God the Father played in the suffering […]

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