Latest Past Events

January Community Dinner

Milton Presbyterian Church 250 North Street, Rittman

Join us for our Community Dinners that take place on the last Monday of every month starting at 6:30. For January's Dinner, we will be serving Chili and Salad, and our guest speaker for that evening will be Doug and Jacquie Jensen. They will be sharing about their experiences as missionaries in Africa.

September Community Meal

For our September Community meal, we will be serving comfort food with meat loaf, mashed potatoes & green beans! We welcome Anna Fink from Wayne County Children's Services to talk more about the need for foster parents, respite homes, and other ways to support children in our community.  

Presbytery Meeting

Milton Presbyterian Church 250 North Street, Rittman

On Saturday, September 21st the Milton Presbyterian Church will host a meeting of the Muskingum Valley Presbytery, the group of Presbyterian Churches in southeastern Ohio, to share resources and decisions in ministry. 9-10am: Gathering & Breakfast in Narthex & Sanctuary 10a-12p: Worship & Meeting in Sanctuary 12p-2p: Lunch & Discussion on shared ministry Childcare will […]

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